Email Marketing

Still the #1 Way To Sell To Your Ideal Customers.


Email campaigns can be used to reach out to particular groups of customers, or even individuals, sending them unique messages based on their interests and needs. Although newer marketing avenues have their perks, only a few of them can match the proven reliability or profitability of email marketing.

With its proven track record, increased popularity, and adaptability, email marketing is one of the most cost-effective ways to connect with new customers and reinforce relationships with current consumers.


 Personalizing your emails can generate higher open rates.

We can help you grow your mailing list, create welcome email sequence flows, and create newsletters for your mailing list. Content for your newsletters can be based on your blogs, upcoming events, recent projects, and announcements. Our email marketing services pair very well with our blog writing services. Choose to have us set your account up so that you can manage your monthly mailings or have us write ongoing email newsletters for you.

We recommend MailChimp or FloDesk for an affordable and easy to use platform that integrates with most websites.

Account set up with welcome sequence flow (3 emails) and newsletter templates total investment: $475

Individual email newsletters investment: $125 each